Tourist festival «Autumn-2014»
Tourist festival «Autumn-2014»

altFrom October 3 to 5, 2014 the Gorky district of the Omsk region on the basis of training grounds «Saratovo» (v. Sogry area, 103 km. Muromtsevsky tract) will host a meeting of regional tourist festival «Autumn-2014«. As part of the festival there will be held a Championship of the Omsk region on sports tourism, as well as Challenge Cup in memory of A.V. Stepkin will be awarded: competitions in sport tourism (distance-walking-group 2 class, distance-walking-personal classes 2 and 3), orienteering,  bivouacs competition.

During the festival organizers will hold other contests and competitions, which are not required for participation:
— Football competitions,
— Volleyball competitions,
— T
ourist songs competition,
— Photo-video reports «On the heels» c
— Videos, slide-films on the idea «Journey of My Dreams» (summer travel 2014) competition,
— Children turequipment.

The conditions of participants admission:
Teams arrived at the festival are required to have food, equipment for the organization of accommodation and living conditions in the field, sports uniforms, as well as to have personal and group equipment for competitions and contests, dress uniform.

Environmental fee (water, wood, garbage disposal, toilets, playgrounds and technical support of the festival) — 150 rubles. per person per stay.
On organizational matters, issues of accommodation and transportation to the place of gathering contact tel. 8 (3812) 31-65-61, 33-83-05, 8-913-975-5091 Alexey Kuzminih.

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